
All Well

We had another week of the fever virus- it made its way to Lila and then to Elise...So, we have been home alot and not doing too much. Mimi and Grandpa still wanted us to come over for our Wednesday dinner ritual so that was great. Above is Grandpa (or PaPa) as Elise's calls him feeding the twins...All the kids wore pj's all day since they didn't feel well..

Then Elise got pink eye and was not in the mood to be photographed!

But, by today everyone seems well and we were able to go out to the park for a little while...

Bennett took his first turn on the swing, and wasn't sure what to think!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Love, Nicole


Mo's visit

Elise and Aunt Mo pose for the camera...

"G" and his girls...Lila is barely keeping those eyes open!


Crazy Week

Saturday morning we had an unexpected addition to our front yard when a lady lost control of her car and ran into our tree. Luckily, she and her passenger were fine. It was pretty scary! We are just really thankful she didn't run into our house, and that none of us were outside and in her path!! As a result of this, I have had TWO flat tires this week, which has been super fun to deal with! BUT, as I said earlier, it could have been a LOT worse!

Lila had a big week...She is in the process of cutting 4 new teeth at once! Poor thing! In addition to that she had a small biopsy done on a little bump on her chest she has had since birth. She was a trooper though! I was trying to get a shot of her teeth, but this was the best I could do...

Bennett has been cutting his top two teeth as well and so he has not been his normal chipper self! He woke up today with a little fever and I am just hoping it is from the teeth and not from something else!

Elise is just super excited because her favorite aunt is coming in town this weekend. She LOVES "MO" and can't wait to see her...Also, I have to brag for a minute, she is now totally out of diapers and pull-ups with the exception of night time..even for naps!! I am so proud!! YEAH Elise!!!

We are all really excited she is coming to visit!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Love, Nicole


Happy Valentine's Day!

Lila and Bennett enjoying their first Valentine's Day!
As my friend Kimberly calls it, this is the "PARTY stroller". We were so excited to find it at a local consigment store (thanks to Kimberly!) This allows me to take everyone on a walk all by myself! It was the best Valentine's present ever!!
We took our first walk yesterday and it is a MAJOR workout. I am seriously sore today. Maybe I'll be really skinny by the end of the summer! HAHA!!
Hope everyone had a great day!
Love, Nicole


Children's Museum

Ella, Elise, and Will taking a break...

Will and his girls having fun on the steamboat!

We took a trip to the Children's Museum on Thursday in New Orleans. Su-Su was nice enough to let me drop off the twins at the condo for a little while so I could spend some quality time with Elise. Kimberly and her girls and Bonnie Kate, Mary Miller, and Will went too. Then we met up with a friend of theirs from college, Emily, and her adorable daughter, Lilly. It was so much fun! The kids all had a great time exploring....


Funny Morning

Elise insisted on feeding the twins this morning and so I decided just to go with it since she really wanted to help. I knew clean up would be interesting, but sometimes you just have to go with the flow! Anyway, thought I would post some pictures...I think there was more food on their bodies then in their mouths, but all three had a good time!


Happy Mardi Gras

The twins fighting over Elise's purple bead...

Catching a ride from her Daddy...

Elise and her "special friend" Shelley...

Throw me something Mister!!!

We were brave and took the whole family down to the Otis' house uptown for the Thoth parade. It was a really nice day and ended up being a great trip! Elise loved the parade and the twins enjoyed the fresh air. We also had a great time catching up with friends that we don't get to see too often these days....
Happy Mardi Gras everyone!
Love, Nicole