
"now, which ones are the twins?"

We've been hearing that quite alot lately...now that Lila and Bennett have lost most of the baby fat and Lila's hair finally decided to grow. They are big for their age and Elise is {almost} average, so the three of them together do often perplex strangers...

My sweet girls were snuggling together on the couch last night (L & B are sick), watching some Yo Gabba Gabba (so totally strange, but apparently very entertaining to the 4 and under group) and I had to snap some pics...It really touched me that Elise was trying to comfort her little sis, who is not feeling well, and climbed up under the blanket with her...with no prompting from me. What a pleasant surprise to walk into the room to check on them and find this sweet sight!

When I saw them like this, snuggled up so closely, I finally "got" why people often ask me that....they definitely look like they could be the same age! Although, I have a feeling, before long people are going to think Elise is the little sis....
Should be interesting to see how that goes over....:)

I hope these girls always love each other as much as they do right now! I'm so happy they get to have the joy of having a sister, I know mine is one of the greatest blessings in my life!

Hope everyone is enjoying their week and the return to their normal routine...


Theresa Miller said...

Beautiful girls!!

Davis and Suzanne said...

THEY DO!!!!! Never looked at it that way.
BUT L&B have the same eyes....
Sweet girls:)

monique said...

So sweet...they are so precious. Sisters are the BEST--I certainly love mine!

Tricia said...

I love sweet sister cuddle time.