

David's parents came in for Elise's soccer game Saturday morning and it was such a beautiful day that they decided to go to the zoo! After a full week with no school I had plenty to keep me busy at home, not to mention the fact that I was dying to see my friend Annie's new baby, so I decided to hang back. David took some great pics for me and it looks like they all had a great time!

I love this "artsy" shot of the mossy oaks...

An unsure Lila on the merry-go-round...

I promise we don't favor Lila---she just likes to pose for pics!!


I think they loved the merry-go-round as much as seeing the animals...these kids will die at DisneyWorld!! (Elise's headband is cracking me up. When it slides down like that she looks a little 80's Olivia Newton John-ish)

This is my favorite pic!!

Bennett was so happy that he got to ride the alligator with Pop.

And the boy loves to rock...

Maybe we should find this animal a home at the zoo??

Silly girls making their best alligator faces...

This bird seems very interested in Bennett and Elise (and I love how E has her arm around her little bro.)

The pink "famingos" (as they are called around here) are very popular. I am not much of a pink girl, so of course, my girls LOVE pink!!

They had a great day together and were definitely wiped out. I can't wait to go back soon with them!!
Hope everyone's week started off well.
Love, Nicole

1 comment:

monique said...

adorable! I miss them so much...can't wait to see them in 2 weeks! love ya'll, MO