What a productive weekend in the Parnell household!! Not only did we get some much needed things done around the house (I am COMPLETELY caught up on laundry. I repeat. COMPLETELY...Hoping we don't have an earthquake tonight because that is how rare it is for me to be completely caught up. I mean clothes put away and everything!! But, I digress...), but we had some big changes take place in the house. Lila and Bennett now officially have their own rooms!!
After about a month of Lila refusing to nap, and trying to corrupt her brother (who really needs more sleep than she does), and after several nights where they took turns waking each other up - including Saturday night - and after some good advice from friends and some other moms of twins, we decided it was time. We explained to them that it was time for them to have their own rooms and that they can play together all day, but when it is time to go to bed they will go into their own rooms and into their own beds. They seemed fine.
So, David took apart Lila's crib and we rearranged Bennett's room. We moved all of the crib parts down the hall to the guest room and prepared to take down the double bed we had in there. But, Lila kept saying..I'm going to sleep in this bed. (Side note: In anticipation that this room would eventually become her room and because it has a jack-and-jill bath with Elise's room we painted it pink before we moved in. This proved to be a big selling point as Lila loves pink and is very excited that she is now in a pink room!)
So, David suggested we try it. (In his defense, I think he has, at this point, taken apart and put back together that same crib at least 6 times. Does not look like a fun task.) We have bed rails and he thought it couldn't hurt to just see how it went. I'll be honest, I was not really pumped about the idea. I just assumed it was going to be a nightmare and that we would be fighting with her constantly to stay in the bed (flashbacks to when we moved Elise out of her crib), but I shouldn't have had so little faith.
Our little munchkin went straight to sleep in that big bed, as we sat glued to the video monitor and watching in amazement. Didn't attempt to get out of bed, didn't even call us!!! What a big girl!!!!
Bennett cried for about a minute for his sister (broke my heart) but after that he went right to sleep! By nap time today he seemed pretty pumped that he was not going to have to listen to his sister scream while he tried to sleep. And when I put him down for his nap I think he was out in 5.2 seconds!!
Here is the real kicker-- Lila took a 2 HOUR NAP in her bed today!!!!! I am so serious. (And this would explain the laundry...) What a gift!! And, they were both in the best moods this afternoon and tonight. I am not kidding myself that this is going to be the case every day, but I am so thankful that at least we felt some reassurance that we did the right thing. It was time....
Obviously I am thrilled that they are happy in their new rooms, and thrilled and thankful that we now have the space to give them that option (and I get to decorate another girls' room!!!!!)...I just think sleep is sooo important and want to make sure they are as rested as possible for our busy days ahead. I will admit that I was feeling a little sad as I looked at my "baby" in that big big bed...just another indication of how fast and quickly they are growing up in front of me...
We are enjoying them so much right now and David and I spend so much time with smiles on our faces these days because of them...the things they do and say....just priceless little things that we are so fortunate and blessed to be able to enjoy....
Ok. Enough sappiness for now.
Love, Nicole
Chia Pudding Delish!
5 years ago
What do grandmothers know anyway?
Guess I should have more faith too. Honestly thought it would be a tough transition at their ages. However, I based my advice on how Lila's mother reacted when she moved into her big girl bed at age 2 1/2. :) Glad you listened to your friends and other moms of twins.
Love your new header! Did you or Mo think of the design?
Can't believe how big they are getting. Just yesterday we were up at the mall that we never go to anymore and drove by the spot where I took David's phone call when they were born. I said out loud to Bush, that is where I was when the twins were born! And now they are in big beds...time flies! Glad you all are doing well.
Thanks so much for writing about all that truly goes into rasing three small kids (and doing it so well!!) Your blog is such a source of encouragement and great ideas for me! Hope to see all of you soon!
P.S. LOVE the organizational tips!!!
I don't know how I missed so many of your posts. I think the beginning of school is kicking my rear.
I have a rule. Don't say great things about how your children are sleeping, because that is the moment it will end. That is what happens to me anyway.
I have a binder similar to yours. I have one for each child and I put all the artwork, report cards, stories, cute pictures, etc.. in the sheet protectors to save forever. I also have a Rubbermaid container for each that I put in the bottom of their closet. I stick school worksheets in their. I used to use it for everything, but then Emogene told me it hurt her feelings that I hid all of her drawings and stuff. I had never thought of it that way, so I started the binders. I like it a lot more. They get to show off their collections when company comes over. It's really noncreative, no frills scrapbook.
Tell Elise to score some points for the team. They are so cute at that age. It looks like a swarm of bees all running around the ball.
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