
Easter Morning

It was an awesome whirlwind week last week filled with, most importantly, a visit from Aunt Mo (and later Uncle Phillip)! In addition, the kids had Easter parties at school, visits with Grandparents, a crawfish boil with the Sievert side of the family, and lots and lots of fun.

Monique arrived Monday night and spent lots of time with me and the kids while she was here. We were so happy!! Tuesday, while the kids were at school, we went to lunch with my Mom, Mimi and Grandpa. Wednesday night me, my Mom, and Mo were able to sneak off for a HUGE treat- pedicures!!!

All of the time in between was spent coloring, swinging, and just playing...all while Mo found time to work as well. Boss was also really excited to spend time with his cousin Buddy, although I am not sure the feeling was reciprocated!

Thursday Mo graciously accompanied me to the kids' school for the Easter celebrations. I was in charge of Elise's class party, and so she helped me get there and set up. Then she headed to Lila and Bennett's class to surprise them. They were so proud to have their pretty Aunt at school with them!

Thursday night Phillip flew in, and we all headed over to Destrehan Friday for a crawfish boil at my Aunt and Uncle's beautiful house. In our haste to get there in time (we were picking up Mimi and Grandpa- and better not be late!) I completely forgot my camera!! UGH!! The kids had a blast playing in the little pool my Aunt had set up, and were spoiled by my cousin Jeff's wife, Ashley, who set up an egg hunt just for them! Lila has been talking about Ashley ever since, and really wants to SKYPE with her. Crazy that our 3 (almost 4) year old is asking to skype people! HA!

The kids were thrilled to see Uncle Phillip and had lots and lots of fun playing with him!

Saturday morning David took the kids to get donuts while my parents, Mo, and Phillip headed to NOLA to greet Jared and Erinn at the completion of the Crescent City Classic. I needed to be home to get ready for Easter at our house this year- as my parents house is not exactly in shape for a holiday get together (although it is going to be gorgeous when it is done!!). In the afternoon Mo and Phillip took Elise on a special little outing (she had been begging for alone time), and then Phillip met up with the other guys (including Bennett) for some afternoon golf.

The whole family ended up back at our house for dinner. It was Mo and Phillip's last night, as they had to head back early this morning, and so we tucked in three little sad faces last night. They love them so much!

Golf ended late, which meant a late dinner, which meant some extremely tired kids...so tired, in fact, that we actually had to have Lila wake up Elise and Bennett this morning at 7:15 in order to have an Easter hunt and make it to church on time!! UNHEARD of in our house!!!!!!!!!!!

That is why Elise and Bennett look so out of it in these pictures...they had just gotten up.

They quickly perked up as they searched the yard for Easter treats...the bunny stays pretty consistent when he visits our house- bathing suits all around, new summer sandals for the girls, and a new pair of crocs for Bennett. He was sooo happy! He had been squeezing his feet into his old ones for weeks, and when I would try to hide in my give away pile he would somehow find them and put them back on. Elise was also thrilled to get a belt. Strange, but this is something she has wanted for while. Guess the Easter Bunny was listening because he brought her a gold shiny one! All three kids also found new cups with their names and "faces" on them, which they love. Sippy cups are a thing of the past in this house!

After that, it was time to get ready for church, so that we could go and celebrate what Easter is really all about.....

1 comment:

monique said...

I cherished every second of the time that I spent with you and the monkeys:). It was so sweet for me to see the kids in their school environment. That may have been my favorite thing...the whole week was great but as always, it flew by too fast. I'm just going to look forward to the next time! love you all!