Lately, I have had a few unexpected people mention to me that they keep up with us on my blog. I must say, that although I truly don't care if anyone reads this or not, I do find it EXTREMELY flattering that people care about what is going on in the Parnell house. It definitely brings a smile to my face. I obviously think our children are cute, funny, and entertaining, but to know some others do too feels great. Checking in on friends' blogs and watching their lives develop and children grow is definitely one of the ways I choose to spend the free time I have!!
With that being said, I was wondering if I put this out there if I might get some know...from those of you who read this but don't usually comment??
I am going to list a few random things that are working for me this summer...and I thought maybe some of you would want to share some things that are working for we can all benefit from each other's ideas....
I figure it is worth a try!! {This post just might mysteriously disappear if I don't get any participation. Just being honest.}
Things working for me this summer:
1. Swimming. Think this is obvious from prior posts, but we have been spending alot of time and having ALOT of fun at the pool this year. Keeps the kids active, without risking a heat stroke here in South LA.
I'll go ahead and lump this in. SO far I am pretty impressed with Redken's After Sun Shampoo. Having three blond kids I am trying to avoid the green hair that seems to happen after so much far, it is working. Thanks so much to my fab friend Casey for this recommendation.
2. Rotisserie Chicken. Seriously. I don't know what I would do without this miraculous invention at the supermarket deli. I buy two at a time and use them to make a slew of quick dinners around here- from enchiladas, to bbq chicken pasta, to chicken salad....etc...
3. A DVR (and specifically Yo Gabba Gabba). The show is strange, but for some reason all three of my kids will sit still and watch it. And I'm down with them singing, "don't bite your friends" and "keep trying, don't give up"- it does have some great themes even in all of its weirdness.
It is my go-to when I need a shower, to make an important phone call, to cook get the point.
4. Plan something every day. Even if it is nothing big. Just having something planned seems to make a huge difference. I've made the mistake of not doing this a few days, and that tends to lead to a day spent with me being a referee rather than a Mom enjoying a summer with her kids.
I'm sure I can come up with some more, but this is a start. I'd love to hear some of your ideas for making summer great!!
Chia Pudding Delish!
5 years ago
am i the only stalker even though we "talk" everyday?? Sad thing is I know those things...ya got anything else? see you tom.
PS sorry I haven't been posting latley. I usually have a baby in hand and can only type with one hand. Thinking you are a mind reader and know what I am thinking.
#4 is very important to me as well...I have 3 girls ages 15,13 & 11 & school has only been out like 5 days now so I have learned that they need to keep busy or will drive me insane with the "I'm bored" line. :) We try to head out to the tennis court everyday for about 30 minutes (it's too hot to do it any longer),we also usually stop at the store before to pick up some snacks & drinks to take with us. I had participated in the tell your story class so I make sure we all do art journaling everyday.I am also beginning homeschooling so we have already started so we do some educational things....a lot of flash cards mostly since it's summer but they have already learned a lot. :) I'm also letting them pick out recipes from cookbooks and cook the meal on their own.....this almost always guarantees that they eat the food.I'm also having my girls do a presentation each week on a different country and at the end ogf the week they have to cook us a meal from that country so it's been pretty far. :) Oh yeah,we also bought a croquet set that we play with in the's something different & fun.Hope you continue having a great summer! :)
i would love to get the rotisserie chicken recipes! one thing we've been doing is the library once a week this summer. the kids love it and it's FREE!
I also live by #4!Kids love a routine and something to look forward to! We have a key chain with flash cards with different things for the kids (ie Quinn) to pick from for summer activities: nature walk, berry picking, make strawberry shortcake, rain painting, summer activites that kids love. She loves to look through the WHOLE stack and then pick her favorite! T usually enjoys just being along for the ride! ...and thanks for that shampoo mention...we have had some seriously green hair around here! and vinegar is so stinky and lemon juice so drying...glad to hear that this works...about to order it now! hope we can have you parnells up to visit sometime soon!
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