Today has been tough.
Elise seems to be doing fine. We saw the surgeon today and he was cautiously optimistic. Wants to follow her a little more closely than he originally thought, so we will see him again next week. I, on the other hand, am struggling today. I usually stay focused on the kids and what is going on with them here, but today I just feel like I need to vent and for some reason this just feels like a good place to do it. Lila and Bennett are napping and Elise is playing quietly in her room. I should be getting things accomplished (laundry caught up on and boxes unpacked), but all I can do is sit here frozen while my mind races. I keep going over and over Thursday night and what happened. I keep revisiting the horrible visit to the ER on Sunday. I keep picturing sweet Bax sitting in a kennel probably totally confused. And I can't stop crying. I guess I kept everything suppressed this week as I spent 24-7 with Elise. I had to stay strong for her. And trust me, I know that among many other people's problems these are very small. I really do know that. I keep reminding myself of that and hoping that will make it hurt less. But, it doesn't. I miss my dog. And then, I get mad at myself for missing an animal that hurt my child so badly. The truth is that as much as I complained about Baxter, his shedding, his neediness, and as much as I really did not have the time to give him the attention he needed anymore, I still love him and he was a member of our family. That is just how we view our animals, and both David and I were brought up that way. It feels weird to be home and not have him here, not have a dog here. Other than my first 3 years in college, when I lived in a dorm, I have always had a dog. Always. I guess the bottom line is that I just really don't like any of our options right now. We had a few potential new homes for Bax, and those have all fallen through. I truly believe that he would be miserable in a shelter. Obviously, he cannot come back here. (And this has been reiterated to me by every Dr. we saw in the hospital). We've been warned against giving him away to someone we don't sadly those animals are often abused. The vets that have treated him his whole life (and that we have known forever) feel that he should be euthanized. He has exhibited aggressive behavior in the past (only to other dogs who have first been aggressive towards him) and has now bitten a child. They said that adopting him out may be passing on a problem, and that as he ages his tolerance level may just be getting less and less. So, that is where we are. In a sucky situation (for lack of a better word).
It's tough.
I guess this is sort of a lesson. Something I have been learning (though never this brutally before) in my short time as a parent.
Selfishness has to go out the window.
Parents have to make sacrifices for their children. Up until now I have been lucky and those sacrifices have just been superficial (although fun :)) things like Starbucks and manicures and pedicures! But it doesn't matter if it is hard for me, or David, or even Elise, and if we are sad because we can't keep our pet any longer. What matters is that above all else, we have to protect our children to the best of our ability. Even if it means making a very hard decision that we really don't want to make.
It's tough.
Chia Pudding Delish!
5 years ago
Praying for you all. Wishing I could give you a HUG right now!!!!! Our pets our family memebers are greiving the loss of a family member and have every right to vent!
We missed you tonight!
Sending you all hugs and love!
I'm so sorry Nicole. I can't imagine being in that situation, as we love our pets like children as well. I will say a prayer for all of you, and a special prayer that Elise heals quickly and completely AND that Baxter finds a peaceful, loving home.
love, theresa
Hi Nicole,
My daughter, Melissa,was about 3years, she was bit near her eye by my dog REO. Same as you, I knew I could no longer keep him, enough though I knew he did mean to bite her; my parents were kind enough to give him a home for his remaining years.
Our dogs become part of our family and its very hard to part with our beloved pet. My thoughts are with you for those most difficult decision. Maybe, God is ready for Baxter to come home and maybe he has a better place for Baxter.
Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and your family.
Love Jeanne
Hey Nicole,
You don't know me, but I am good friends with Ashley Simon Sellers. Mo sent her a message about Elise the other day while I was at Ashley's house.
I just wanted to tell you I've been thinking about your family and saying a prayer.
Last August, my daughter was 11 months old and was bit by our family dog. She was bit on her cheek and nose. Thankfully, only the cheek needed stitches. She looked a lot worse than she felt. It was one of the worst days of my life. I replayed it in my head a 100 times. I knew the right thing to do was to give Caddy away, but it was so hard. I also felt guilty that I had doubts about giving her away, but I know like you that our job is to protect our children.
I wanted to tell you all this to let you know, that 10 months later, we are in great shape! It gets easier each day and I know we did the right thing. Her face has healed better than they expected and we have become use to life without a dog. I was like you with always having a dog around. I do think we will get another one in the future.
My daughter was hesistant around dogs for a little while, but that fear has eased and she seems to be ok now.
I am sorry to ramble, but I wanted you to know that I can somewhat relate to what you are going through and just had to let you know you were on my mind. Elise is precious and such a tough girl. It is amazing what doctors can do now and their little tender skin heals amazingly better than ours does.
I will say a prayer for Elise, you and the task ahead. It does get better over time. Sometime tears have to flow in order for us to heal!
May God Bless you and your family!
Shea Smith Crowder
All I can think is that I AM SO SORRY. It really is such a HORRIBLE situation to be in. I feel so badly for all of you...
The grieving process is extremely painful not to mention very slow--everything you are feeling is totally normal.
Shea is absolutely right---just like with anything else, things will get better each day--even though it's hard to imagine that right now.
I'm thinking of all of you and of course, praying for you. I was so thrilled to talk to Elise on the phone twice this weekend. She is such a little charmer! Phillip and I were talking about how sweet and witty she is...try to focus on your precious blessings (Elise, Lila and Bennett)especially during a tough time like this.
Love you! MO
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