
Happy Halloween

Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

And doesn't know where to find them...

Leave them alone, and they'll come home....

Wagging their tails behind them....


NIKKI said...

SOOOOO CUTE!!! We missed your gang last night!
Hope ya'll had a wonderful Halloween!!!

Theresa Miller said...

These are the cutest pictures ever! Nicole, you did a beautiful job on the costumes!
love, Theresa

Brad and Lissa said...

How precious! They are darling!! I love the idea, and the costumes are so cute. Hope yall are doing well! Love, Lissa

monique said...

They look so adorable!!! You are so creative...wish I could've been there to see in person!!!! Just precious...love ya'll, MO

The Adams Family said...

They couldn't have looked cuter! Happy Early Birthday!